Austin Flight Check Training Solutions

(512) 535-5355

Instrument Flight Training Manual by Peter Dogan
Product Code DOGAN

Instrument Flight Training Manual by Peter Dogan

This is the revised Third Edition of one of the best selling text and reference books available on instrument training. Each pertinent subject is expertly discussed, there are hundreds of exceptional photos and drawings that help make difficult material easy to understand. One unique feature of the book are the stories of true IFR experiences to give the reader a sense of today's real instrument flying practices.

The Instrument Flight Training Manual by Peter Dogan grew from the unique program developed by Professional Instrument Courses, Inc (PIC)/ The program has helped thousands of pilots obtain the coveted instrument rating. PIC's instructional materials and flight training methods have made it one of the nation's leading instrument training organizations.

Based on the very successful PIC course, this book embodies lessons learned from years of experience in producing well-qualified instrument pilots. It follows the well-organized PIC program step by step. The student's knowledge and skills are built methodically as he or she masters the complexities and demands of today's IFR flying. Each pertinent topic is expertly discussed and many clear photos and drawings make even the most difficult material easy to understand.

The Instrument Flight Manual is an excellent text to provide the instrument student with the foundation needed to obtain and safely use the FAA instrument rating. It's up-to-date and professional coverage of current instrument flight practices also make it a valuable, practical reference and refresher for the instrument rated pilot.

Though this book was written with application to traditional analog panels, it is no less applicable to acquire the knowledge and skill to be applied to glass panel or "Technically Advanced Aircraft". Instruments may appear different but are still read the same way.

Soft cover, 280 pages.

Price: $34.95
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