Austin Flight Check Training Solutions

(512) 535-5355

FAA Publications & FARs | Austin Flight Check Training Solutions

Product Code RW-4
Rotary Wing Flight
Reprint of US Army FM 1-51, edited and adapted for civilian helicopter students.
List Price: $15.95
Product Code MED-HNDBK
Pilot Medical Handbook - Human Factors for Successful Flying
A compilation of FAA and Civil Aviation Medical Institute (CAMI) documents covering human factors for safety of flight.
List Price: $16.95
Product Code JS312806
FAA Rotorcraft Flying Handbook
Become familiar with this rotorcraft resource if you're thinking about applying for your Private, Commercial, or Flight Instructor certificate. It covers both helicopter and gyroplane information.
List Price: $18.49
Product Code JS312617
Acceptable Methods, Techniques and Practices - Aircraft Alterations - AC43.13

(AC-43.13-1B/2B with Change 1) Change 1 incorporates extensive new material on Welding and Brazing, Inspection and Maintenance of Landing Gear, Aircraft Electrical Systems, Aircraft Avionics Systems, and an entire new section on Human Factors. This reference book also includes AC-43.13-2B, Acceptable Methods, Techniques and Practices - Aircraft Alterations.

List Price: $24.95
Product Code GL-FARAIM-24
Gleim Federal Aviation Regulations & Aeronautical Information Manual - 2024

The Gleim FAR/AIM simplifies and facilitates your understanding of the complex rules governing aviation.

List Price: $22.95
Product Code GL-BK-AVW7
Gleim Aviation Weather and Weather Services - 7th Edition

Gleim Aviation Weather and Weather Services provides you with a compilation of the FAA's weather publications in one easy-to-understand reference book.

List Price: $29.95
Product Code CARDS-TH67
TH-67 Helicopter Flashcards Study Guide (Bell 206B)
Flashcards contain 400 questions and answers to actively engage students and advanced pilots training in the TH-67 helicopter.
List Price: $24.95
Product Code ASA-FAA-H-8083-2A
FAA Risk Management Handbook

Tools to help pilots assess each situation and make every flight the safest possible, with the least amount of risk

Reprint by ASA

Product Code ASA-ACS-8B.1
ASA Airman Certification Standards: Instrument Rating (Airplane) - ACS-8B.1

The ACS is the guide for what applicants must know, do, and consider for their instrument rating knowledge exam and practical tests.

List Price: $9.95
Product Code ASA-ACS-7A.1
ASA Airman Certification Standards: Commercial Pilot (Airplane) - ACS-7A.1

The ACS is the guide for what applicants must know, do, and consider for their commercial pilot knowledge exam and practical tests.

List Price: $9.95
Product Code ASA-ACS-6C
ASA Airman Certification Standards: Private Pilot (Airplane) - ACS-6C

The ACS is the guide for what applicants must know, do, and consider for their commercial pilot knowledge exam and practical tests.

List Price: $9.95
Product Code ASA-ACS-11.1
ASA Airman Certification Standards: Airline Transport Pilot & Type Rating (Airplane) - ACS-11.1

The ACS is the guide for what applicants must know, do, and consider for their commercial pilot knowledge exam and practical tests.

List Price: $9.95
Product Code ASA-ACS-1
ASA Aviation Mechanic (A&P) Airman Certification Standards for General, Airframe and Powerplant - ACS-1

FAA Airman Certification Standards for Aviation Mechanics, includes General, Airframe, and Powerplant.

List Price: $17.95
Product Code ASA-AC43.13-1B2B
ASA FAA Aircraft Inspection, Repair and Alterations - AC43.13 1B & 2B

FAA Advisory Circulars 43.13-1B and 43.13-2B Reprint

List Price: $39.95
Product Code ASA-8083-9B
FAA Aviation Instructor's Handbook - 8083-9B

FAA official handbook (FAA-H-8083-9B), a comprehensive resource to prepare for the Fundamentals of Instructing (FOI) Knowledge Exam.

List Price: $19.95
Product Code ASA-8083-6
FAA Advanced Avionics Handbook

The FAA's guide to help you master todayï¾’s sophisticated cockpits.

FAA-H-8083-6,Reprint by ASA.

List Price: $19.95
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